Mobile Hope is a nonprofit organization invested in seeing the residents of every mobile home community, along with surrounding schools, churches, and organizations, working together to ensure its students are succeeding and its families are thriving and achieving their goals. 

To honor God by building relationships, hope and a culture of achievement within mobile home communities through education, healthy activities, resource connections, and faith development. 

Mobile Hope empowers individuals and transforms mobile home communities by leveraging the strengths of the diverse communities we serve. This is accomplished through the development of meaningful between park residents and owners, teachers, churches, and volunteers, and creates a sense of unity and hope within the community.

Get Involved

There are a variety of ways you can directly engage to support our ministry and help youth and families to succeed:

  • Volunteer in our programs or with the area of your expertise utilizing your unique skills. Visit our website for volunteer opportunities.
  • Invite us to speak at your church, work, or community group.
  • Connect us with any contacts you may have such as potential funders, donors, volunteers or board members.
  • Pray for the families, youth and parks that we serve. Pray for our volunteers, staff and leadership teams as we seek God’s will for the ministry.
  • Share our mission, website, and social media updates with your networks.
  • Support us through financial or in-kind giving.


CROSS is a non-profit organization established in 1977 to provide food and clothing to those in temporary need. CROSS serves families and individuals living in the Champlin (West), Corcoran, Dayton, Maple Grove, Osseo, and Rogers communities of Minnesota.



  • Hat and Mitten Tree in the Fellowship Room (youth hats, mittens, scarfs)
  • Grocery Cart monthly canned goods and dry goods
  • Financial donations to the CCC designated mission fund
  • SOUPer Bowl Sunday (canned food collection)
  • Joyful Noise coin collection by the children
    (to the CCC-designated fund “Food Programs for Youth.”
  • School Supply drive
  • Grocery Cart monthly canned goods and dry goods
  • Financial donation to the CCC designated Missions fund